Crucifix Stained Glass


Blessed Trinity Anglican Church is a parish of The Diocese of Mid-America in The Reformed Episcopal Church, a founding Jurisdiction of The Anglican Church in North America. We continue the worship tradition of the ancient Church by upholding Holy Scripture as God’s Word for us, today and always.

We focus on growing into the fullness of the new life we are given in our Lord Jesus Christ. We meet every Sunday to Worship God, to be in His presence, to encourage one another, to hear God’s Word, to receive His grace through Holy Communion, and draw closer to God in our hearts, minds, and souls.

We are a church family humbled by all that God has done in our lives. We love, serve, and share with others the hope found in our Lord Jesus. We believe that love is visible in what we do for others. It is true of our Lord Jesus and it is true of us. We are The Church on Behalf of Others.

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Experience the timeless presence of God through our ancient, inspiring worship and welcoming community.

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Acts 2.42

English Standard Version Bible