On Behalf Of Others

On behalf of others, Jesus comes, not to be served, but to serve, to give his life that you might be given new life, overcoming death so you might know him now and always. On behalf of others, Jesus lived, died, and rose again. Blessed Trinity Church invites you to walk with us in the way of Jesus, to learn the Goodness of God, and to live your life On behalf of others.

The Church — On Behalf Of Others.

Meet our ministry team…

The Reverend Sunil Rajah | Vicar (Lead Pastor)

Father Sunil testifies to the glorious work that God has done in his life. He is forever humbled by the power, grace, and mercy of God in transforming our lives. He has a heart for inviting others into a relationship with our loving savior, Lord Jesus.

Sunil loves and deeply appreciates music and admires the gift music can be in connecting people of varied backgrounds and cultures. He is an avid sports enthusiast who greatly enjoys participating in various sports, especially swimming and racket sports. He has a Master of Divinity from the School of Theology at Azusa Pacific University, California.

Our Wardens | Lay Leaders

Scott Acker | Senior Warden

Scott has been an active member of Blessed Trinity Church since the Pandemic. As one of our distance home churches, he is helping to develop our online and distance home church ministries.

Brittany Givens | Junior Warden

Our Associate Priests (retired)

The Rev’d Dr. Gregory Chase

Associate Pastor

Father Gregory lives with his wife at Pepperwood Mobile Home Park, a short walk to Blessed Trinity Church Sunday Services!

Greg leads a bible study group at the Community Building. He also has a fast-food ministry.

Greg has two children and their families living in the area.

The Rev’d Keith Acker, SSC

Associate Pastor

Father Keith lives with his wife near Balboa Park.

Keith is involved with a Monday Music Fellowship in Pepperwood Park and Sunday worship music. He is also involved in our Media Outreach ministry.

Keith is an avid Musician and traveler. He never met a cruise he didn’t like.

Bringing the Early Church Faith and Practice to a New Generation

“Our Biblical Purposes start and end our liturgy every Sunday. They begin our week as we connect with Jesus and others.”

Girls focus

Our Biblical Purposes

YOU shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.

Matthew 22.37-40 ESV

GO therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28.19-20 ESV

We are a work in progress, seeking God’s healing and grace to become women and men created in God’s image. What will be my next step?

Looking to Jesus in our Worship

We come together individually and as disciples, with Jesus bringing us before our heavenly Father, offering Himself on our behalf.

Learning to Offer ourselves

We place our present life, with joys and sorrows, hurts, and brokenness at the Altar of God, so that Jesus might take, bless, break, and give a new wholeness and fullness to our lives.

Daily Bread of God sustains us

“Give us this day our daily bread” we pray as Jesus taught us. This is a daily conversation called the Daily Office where God speaks to us in sequential Bible reading, but we also respond in praise and in our prayer requests as a community of faith.

Common Prayer

We use a Book of Common Prayer recognizable throughout the Anglican Churches.

Apostles’ Teaching and Fellowship

As Jesus taught His Apostles, they consecrated leaders to whom they handed down this same teaching. These “head leaders” or bishops are the Episcopal component of our Reformed Episcopal Church.

Breaking of Bread

The Passover meal that Jesus kept with His Apostles is the central act of worship and the normative liturgy of Christians for over two-thousand years. We recognize that Jesus is truly present and gives himself in this one Holy Communion. What is important is the assurance of God’s grace we receive each Sunday in this Sacrament instituted by Jesus that night and His sacrifice, death, and resurrection.

Family Worship

Our Sunday Service is the family of God worshiping together. We come together as God’s people to worship Him. From elders to infants, singles to families with children of all ages, everyone is welcome.

In the beauty of holiness..

Liturgical prayers

We invite you for a time away from work, to reflect on life, to take a step toward following Jesus. Lasting about an hour, this is a restful time of thoughtfulness in the beauty of holiness. Our time together is ancient worship for today which draws us and connects us with the loving grace of God. It is informal and yet a rich interweaving of worship, prayer, song, God’s word and communion.