Connect with Jesus and Others
Experience the vibrant worship of the Early Church and Enter into the life of a growing, loving, and caring community.
The Church – on behalf of others
Need More Blessings?
Feeling totally overwhelmed, over-scheduled, and overdrawn in so many ways. I just have this feeling that God has something better in store for me.
Ever feel like your struggles and isolation are leaving you wanting more out of life?
Jesus wants more for you – a life filled with hope and a promising future.
Do you ever feel disconnected and alone, even when you’re surrounded by people?
We’ve been there too. We’re a church family that’s been humbled by all that God has done in our lives. We want to share the hope we’ve found in Jesus and connect with others in the community.
Do you try to do good for others, but it never seems to be enough?
Love is visible in what you do for others; it is true of Jesus, and it is true of us.
We are The Church – on behalf of others.

Connecting with our Community offers a host of Benefits
Clear Purpose
By following Jesus’ teachings and delving into the Bible through reading and prayer, you can discover God’s plan and purpose for each of his disciples.
Godly Growth
We prioritize the practice of loving one another in the way God loves us, while acknowledging that we are a work in progress. Our community provides a supportive environment for individuals to grow into the person God intends them to be within a caring and forgiving community.
Eternal Connection
Additionally, by joining our common worship and faith, you can partake in the rich traditions and liturgy of the Early Church, inviting you to be part of the life of Jesus’ Church, both past and present.
Looking for More Meaning?
New to faith?
A believer for years?
Join us in worship!
Experience the timeless presence of God through our ancient, inspiring worship and welcoming community. Hear what others are saying about BTC…
“We’re all a work in progress, looking for God’s healing and grace to become the best versions of ourselves, created in His image. What should I do next?”
“I was really struggling, but being at BTC was such a blessing. The people there were so supportive and non-judgmental. It felt like they were right there with me on my spiritual journey.”
“I love starting my week at Blessed Trinity Church every Sunday. It’s the perfect way to remind myself of what really matters as I kick off a new week.”
Our beliefs are those held by Christians during the two-thousand-year history of the Church and throughout the world and by all.
Common Faith and Practice
- Exploret the common faith and practice that guide our church community.
- Delve into the biblical understanding of Jesus, his divinity, his Sacraments, and his historical significance.
- Join us as we strive to embody these beliefs in our daily lives.
- REC100 (Church Planting)
Why would I consider visiting a “small church?”
At BTC, we are a community, and we want our families to worship together. Everyone has an opportunity to contribute to our Sunday gathering through Bible readings, hospitality, music, and preparing for our worship time together. We keep it simple and want our kids to be involved. While it is Jesus’ Church, each of us has a hand in creating a welcoming place for worshipping together.
Why use the Book of Common Prayer?
The Book of Common Prayer is essentially the Bible arranged for community worship. Every prayer and song of praise is composed using Biblical phrases and images. The prayers and Bible readings are organized in a yearly repeating pattern to ensure that we hear all that God has to say to us, rather than just the parts we prefer to hear.
Why are there so many colors, actions, and varieties?
God likes variety. Just look at how different we are, and yet we have so much in common. So our worship should includes all of our senses. Each color, each act of standing or making the sign of the cross is meant to draw us into the worship of God. He chooses to make himself known and wants us to look beyond the outward and visible forms to the spiritual reality of a God who has revealed himself to us
How do I find the right group for me?
In a small congregation, our small groups are shaped by your interests and talents. We form groups based on commonalities, interests, or hobbies rather than treating them as scheduled programs. Community is about the people, not a timetable of programs.
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
Acts 2.42
English Standard Version Bible
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