Learning the way of Jesus
We are called to grow in the likeness of Christ. As His Church, we are learning to love as Jesus loved – loving God and our neighbor.
Therefore, we gather at God’s Table to receive his life into our own, become the persons God intends us to be, and encourage one another based on our current circumstances, interests, and commonalities.
We touch the lives around us with God’s love and grace.
…in whom we live move, and have our being.
So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. (Romans 12:5 ESV)
Join us for worship with your heart, mind, and soul: Embrace the moment, and Connect with the experience.
Blessed Trinity Church invites you to do more than just be in God’s presence. We encourage active participation in Jesus’ gathering at his holy table. This includes preparing, sharing, and fellowshipping together to be in partnership with Jesus. Come and join us in welcoming and nurturing children, providing hospitality, music, creating a warm ambiance, utilizing technology, reading God’s Word, and coming to His Table.
“I want to encourage you to move from being someone in the crowd to being an active participant in our faith community as we fulfill Jesus’ command to love one another and to ‘do this in Remembrance of me.‘” –Father Sunil
Prayer & Spirituality
Spiritual hunger and a heart that seeks after God is our starting point. “Almighty God, to whom all hearts are known and no secrets are hidden.“
- Daily Prayer
- Healing Prayer
- Bible Courses and Bible Study Groups
- Anglican Essentials and Other Courses
- New to BTC (BTC 101)
- Music Fellowship
Gatherings at BTC
Here are some of the events where we will be meeting up.
Bible Study Fellowship
Pepperwood Park, El Cajon
Evening Prayer service
Kids’ Sunday Class
Pepperwood Park, El Cajon
Anglican Essentials
Alvarado, La Mesa
BTC Info
Why Daily Prayer?
The tradition of daily morning and evening prayer has been a part of Judaic religious practice for centuries before the time of Jesus, and it has been continued by Christians from the time of Jesus to the present day. These prayers follow a specific pattern, such as the Lord’s Prayer, the Collect for the week (a focused prayer for the entire church), and occasional prayers. The Psalms are prayed in sequence, and the reading of Scripture is also sequential, including passages from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. While the “Daily Office” is often prayed individually, traditionally it is done in a group whenever possible. At BTC, we gather online for group prayer sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, as well as Saturday mornings.
Online DAILY OFFICE times: Tuesdays 6 PM, Wednesdays 6 PM, Thursdays 6 PM, and Saturdays 8:30 AM.
Weekday Zoom
Getting Started
Lectio Divina
Book of Common Prayer 2011
How do I request Prayers for Healing?
At BTC, there is a group dedicated to praying for healing and guidance.
God desires for us to be whole, as we are made in His image and likeness. He wants healing for our body, mind, and soul, knowing what we need to become the person He sees in us. Anointing for Healing and Laying on of Hands are offered during the service on the second Sunday of each month. Additionally, prayer requests for healing and guidance are collected and prayed for during every Sunday service, using first names only.
Submit My Prayer Request
Update My Prayer Request
Anointing for Healing
Prayers for the Dying
What is the Anglican Church?
Christianity arrived in the British Isles in the second century, around the time the region was invaded by a Germanic people called the Angles. Due to the relative isolation of the British Isles, Western Christianity developed its distinct character, which survived the Protestant Reformation while maintaining its historic focus on Scripture and Sacraments. As the British Empire expanded globally, the Anglican faith and practice of the Church were also established in national communities. Today, churches following the Anglican faith and practice are the third largest group of Christians worldwide. This association of Churches is known today as the Anglican Church.
New to BTC (BTC 101)
Book of Common Prayer
Anglican Essentials
Should I become a member of BTC?
We invite everyone to join us for our services to hear God’s Word, proclaim the common faith, and worship God. Membership is not required. We encourage you to walk with us as we seek God, connect with Jesus and His Church, and learn what it means to have Jesus as the Lord and Savior of our lives.
The first step towards membership is Baptism, which is a public profession of Jesus as your Lord and Savior and receiving God’s grace, making you a child of God and a member of God’s Church. If you would like to be Baptized, one of our regular members can arrange for you to speak to one of the clergy. You may only need a few minutes of instruction, or you might prefer a more comprehensive study before being Baptized.
In Holy Communion, we recognize as Jesus’ presence, and receiving this Sacrament is for Baptized members of Jesus’ Church (you may be a Baptized member of any Christian Church, not just Blessed Trinity Church). While receiving Christ present in Holy Communion is for Baptized members, we invite those who are not Baptized to come forward with us to receive a blessing from the priest. If you would like more information about the Sacrament of Holy Communion, our clergy would love to answer any questions and help you seek after God.
Every member seeks to draw closer to God, His plan, and His purpose for our lives. As we grow, we will be ready to take on the responsibility of being a full member of Jesus’ Church. We have classes to prepare those who are ready for this responsibility. Once a year, our regional pastor, a bishop, confirms those prepared for full membership in the life of Jesus’ Church, specifically at Blessed Trinity Church. If you have been confirmed as a full member at another church, the bishop will recognize and receive you as a full member at Blessed Trinity Church.
As we take steps into greater faith, understanding, and participation in the ministry and mission of life in Jesus’ Church, Blessed Trinity Church can help plan appropriate instruction and discussion to help you along the way.