Category: Uncategorized

  • A New Beginning ‘God with Us’

    A New Beginning ‘God with Us’

    This New Year’s Day is the 8th  Day of Christmas. While it may be not be politically correct, and certainly unpopular in post-Christian circles to overlook the commemoration of the Circumcision of the Child Christ. However, to Christians this is tied up in our understanding ‘God with us.’ Born of Mary, a Jewish girl, Jesus…

  • Messiah in the Passover

    Messiah in the Passover

    When Jesus and the 12 Apostles gathered in the Upper Room at the start of the Passover, it was clear this wouldn’t be as every other Passover the 12 had grown up with in their Jewish homes.Jesus began by washing the feet of the Apostles. Most of these men had not likely had their feet…

  • Pepperwood Bible Study Fellowship

    Pepperwood Bible Study Fellowship

    Our weekly bible study is now meeting in El Cajon at the Pepperwood Community Club House – 1120 Pepper Drive. The group meets  on thursday mornings at 10:00 AM. Father Gregory is leading the group that currently is engaged in a book study.   You can pick up our study on “Forgiveness” at any point.  our inductive…

  • Evening Prayer Online!

    Evening Prayer Online!

    Praying the Daily Office (Morning and Evening Prayer) is part of our Anglican prayerbook tradition. Praying together is a challenge when our members home are scattered from Alpine to Balboa Park. One of the good things to come out of the pandemic was our learning to connect via Internet for the Daily Office.